Wednesday, 30 November 2011

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That Rush

the rush. That feeling you get after you witnessed, listened to, participated in or heard about something that inspired and excited you so much that you could not stop jabbering on about it from dusk till dawn, driving the fam, friends and fella insane. 

That rush is exactly what this blog is all about.

The exhilaration after seeing an amazing film or being in the audience of a groundbreaking piece of theatre.
The thrill of singing along to a song in your car and thinking you might actually not be tone deaf.
The joy in finding a good book and reading it again and again and again.
The buzz of being with friends and family, reliving and creating many memories, inside jokes and epic lols 

that's the rush, so named for the inspiration and excitement life can bring,

oh! and once, after a university theatre piece, the lecturer commented I reminded him of a young Geoffrey Rush, the Geoffrey Rush of my generation if you will, and lets be honset im going to the milk that for all it's worth.

So internet, get ready for many epic tales of hilarity, excitement and good times.

that's me, being green screen inappropriate at uni
an indicator of things to come!