So this happened.
It's fair to say I was just a little bit excited about seeing these two cool looking idiots in the flesh.
I'm a Conchords fan from way back, my best high school memories are basically spending entire home economics lessons with Casey rapping to "Mutha'uckers", spending hours youtubing their live performances instead of doing homework and googling images of Jemaine to put as my mobile wallpaper.
Definite fan girl status.
Casey and I reached the epitome of two cool looking idiots by buying matching Conchords t-shirts online to wear to the gig (we also made our own "I heart Frank Woodley" t-shirts once, what can I say we go hard or we go home), we were very excited by this.
I have no words for the awesomeness that ensued that night.
It really was just flippin' awesome. Hearing the songs I knew and loved, done live with little twists here and there was so much fun. "Demon Woman" was a personal favourite, any song that requires Jemaine to wear low cut lycra is ok by me. Not only are Bret and Jemaine comedically talented they are seriously talented musicians, they are able to make the songs funny but also sound amazing. Jemaine's voice alone could impregnate you, and you wouldn't mind one bit. We were treated to two new Conchord songs, and let me tell you they will blow your mind!
Annoyingly Adelaide embarrassed itself by having some of the dumbest hecklers in the history of the universe, honestly if you are going to yell inaudible profanities the whole time dont buy a ticket. But being gifted in the art of wit, the Conchords shut their motherboardfucking systems down, it was amazing. So apologies to the Conchords for those idiots in rAdelaide we're all normally pretty rad.
Its been a week now since I was in the same building as Flight of the Conchords, and I dont want to sound like a blithering idiot of a fan but I might be a little bit obsessed. I cannot stop listening to their songs, if anyone sees me giggling in the car on the drive to work you know im listening to "Sugalumps" and or "Hurt Feelings". Iv'e watched this video five times in the past two days, Casey and I might need to start a Flight of the Conchords anonymous club, its really a problem.
I think the Conchords just topped my favourite live band of all time list.
And Bret and Jemaine are definitely on my list of most awesome people ever.
And Bret and Jemaine are definitely on my list of most awesome people ever.
Like I said im just a little obsessed.